Econew – Clean Bioenergy


A versatile source for sustainable advancements

In addition to its use in agriculture, biocarbon serves as a valuable resource that enhances the quality of various products.

About Biochar

Econew’s biochar goes beyond its origins, driving energy efficiency, improving soil quality, and offering versatile and proven beneficial solutions in sectors such as agriculture, food, sanitation, and construction.

Produced from sustainable biomass, it is a guarantee of superior quality, and will be manufactured in a state-of-the-art reactor employing the most advanced pyrolysis technologies. Initially, it will have a maximum size of 20 mm; specifications will be made available on this page in the first quarter of 2025, when the reactor is in full operation.

Due to its exceptional capacity to sequester and store carbon for hundreds of years (considered a carbon sink), combined with its wide range of applications, biochar is internationally recognized as an essential technology and ranks among the most important tools in the fight against climate change.



Certified by international organizations


Transforms organic waste into valuable resources through circular processes


Reduces heat transfer with its low thermal conductivity


Eliminates odors, toxins, and contaminants, acting as an efficient filter


Chemical-free product, 100% natural


Retains up to six times its weight in water, contributing to water retention


Stimulates the healthy growth of microorganisms, promoting biological balance


Characterized by its alkalinity, reduces pH in soils and water

Características Técnicas e Variações

Descrição do produto

Briquete de carvão vegetal de reflorestamento

Prazo de Validade

Se o produto não tiver contato com água, o prazo de validade é indeterminado.


Estocar em local seco, sem exposição a água


Material embalado em Big Bags


Teor de Voláteis
Teor de Cinzas
Teor de Carbono Fixo
Enxofre Total
Fósforo Total
Poder Calorífico Superior – PCS
Poder Calorífico Inferior – PCI
Densidade Aparante


< 8%
< 25%
< 17%
> 60%
60,267 mg/kg
337,819 mg/kg
4.073 Kcal/kg
3.566 Kcal/kg
48 x 48 x 32mm
262 kg/m³

Parâmetro - Valor

Umidade – < 8%
Teor de Voláteis – < 25%
Teor de Cinzas – < 17%
Teor de Carbono Fixo – > 60%
Enxofre Total – 60,267 mg/kg
Fósforo Total – 337,819 mg/kg
Poder Calorífico Superior – PCS – 4.073 Kcal/kg
Poder Calorífico Inferior – PCI – 3.566 Kcal/kg
Tamanho – 48 x 48 x 32mm
Densidade Aparante – 262 kg/m³

How it’s Made

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